Call us now for a professional and friendly service from £16.00 per hour


Call us now for a professional and friendly service from £16.00 per hour


Call us now for a professional and friendly service from £16.00 per hour

Smartchoicez Cleaning Ltd – Domestic and Office Cleaning Services in London!

At Smartchoicez Cleaning Ltd, we pride ourselves on customizing our cleaning services to suit the unique needs of our clients. Our team consists of highly-trained, skilled, and dedicated professionals with extensive experience in environments similar to yours. Whether it’s domestic households or commercial premises, we cater to a diverse range of clientele. Our commitment to an eco-conscious approach underscores our care for both our clients and the environment.

Customer satisfaction is paramount to us, and we actively seek feedback to ensure we meet and exceed expectations. We conduct follow-up emails with first-time clients and quarterly satisfaction surveys to continually improve our services. Serving all areas of London, our cleaning operatives are ready to be dispatched to your location promptly.

Rest assured, we are fully insured with comprehensive Public Liability and Employees Liability Insurance, providing our clients with peace of mind.

Residential & Domestic Cleaning

At Smartchoicez Cleaning Ltd., we take great pride in providing top-notch regular domestic cleaning and ironing services. Our offerings can be conveniently scheduled on a weekly or fortnightly basis for £16.00 per hour, with a minimum cleaning session of 3 hours. Each household receives personalized attention, and we meticulously cater to any specific requirements.

Commercial & Office Cleaning

Our expertise lies in office and commercial premise cleaning, including shops, pubs, and restaurants. Additionally, many management companies benefit from our communal parts cleaning and block servicing. Whether you operate a small, one-desk home office or a large car showroom, we provide green, flexible, affordable, and customized solutions to suit your needs.

End of Tenancy Cleaning in London

For our End of Tenancy cleanings, we deploy mobile teams consisting of 2-4 specialized cleaners who excel in deep cleaning. We furnish all required cleaning materials and equipment, including a powerful carpet cleaning machine. We efficiently blitz properties of any size, ensuring thoroughness and environmental consciousness.

Smartchoicez Cleaning Ltd. proudly holds SAFE contractor approval, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to achieving excellence in health and safety standards.

As a leading third-party accreditation scheme, SAFE contractor recognizes exceptional health and safety management practices among UK contractors.

Through the SAFE contractor scheme, businesses undergo a rigorous vetting process assessing their health and safety procedures and track record for safe practices. Only companies meeting the highest standards are included in the scheme’s exclusive database, accessible to registered users via a dedicated website.

Client organizations participating in the scheme gain access to this database, empowering them to thoroughly vet potential contractors before any on-site engagements. By engaging with accredited contractors, these clients prioritize safety and compliance within their operations.

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